Sunday 15 February 2009

Treacle Tart

To follow the prawn and coriander fishcakes below, and an excellent, simple roast chicken (a Devonshire Black from Duchy Originals), we have Nigel's version of Treacle Tart. Nothing new here, but a good reminder of a dish I haven't eaten - or made - for years. I halved the recipe, and made a small tart that will see us over two days as a treat. Very cheap too, and I agree with Nigel's addition of lemon (although I added lemon zest as well as juice) as it helps to cut through the cloying sweetness that can accompany treacle tart.


  1. I tasted a treacle tart the other day for the first time I ever. I think it was a Sainsbury's one. Personally I found it far too sweet but it was rather pleasent.

    Your treacle tart looks very nice, very professional, well done :)

  2. Hi Dilly, and thanks for dropping by. Treacle tart is sweet, there's no doubting it, but the addition of lemon zest and juice in the filling does help to cut the sweetness. All the same, I made it quite small, and we still have some left - Hubby will probably hoover it up when he gets in this evening
