Sunday 24 October 2010

Cinnamon Pear Cake with Vanilla Fudge Sauce [#252]

Now, safety alert: if you are on a diet, please look away now, as this posting will only make you cry.  For the rest of you, read this recipe, then go out, buy the ingredients, and make it.  Every now and then, we all need this, and it does feed a lot of people.  This is essentially a buttery sponge, with nuggets of buttery, caramelised cinnamony pear embedded in it, doused in a buttery fudge sauce.  Have you picked up on the fact there is a lot of butter in it?  Well, we just won't eat any of the stuff for the rest of the week, and indulge (almost) guiltlessly.  When I die, can you please ensure I am embalmed in this sauce?  And if I eat any more of it, that particular event may not be too far off.  Here is a link to the recipe, as cooked by the lovely blogger, Little Bird Eats.  It should come as no surprise that this recipe is from the marvellous Nigel Slater, and can also be found in his recently published 'Tender: Vol 2'.  You won't ever regret buying this, or the first volume.


  1. This looks fab. I think I might take it to our next book-swap group (which is more of a food group!)

  2. This dessert looks delish!! I am so excited to try it... great job!

