Another Alice Waters inspired recipe, from 'Chez Panisse Fruit' - a wonderful book, although it now has a rival in Nigel Slater's fantastic Volume 2 of Tender - 'Fruit', which arrived this weekend - fabulous! A crostata is such a simple pie, and if you roll the pastry out on baking parchment, you can go for a rich buttery eggy pastry. The smell of this as it cooked was fabulous, although we have eschewed the recommended Chartreuse glaze, as I couldn't be arsed. Anyway, we didn't have any in the drinks cabinet, either green or yellow, shocking, I know. Forgive me. Anyway, a great Autumnal fruit pairing, and a most original recipe. Let me know if you want it and I will email it to you.
ooh that looks like just the thing to eat on an autumnal sunday afternoon, doesn't it!